over at my other blog...

I write a lot more at www.RedAccordionDiaries.com so check over there for more upbeat news!

Nothing big to report. It's been 8 weeks without Mom, which is weird because it feels like September 9 was many months ago. That's the opposite of what I was expecting. It's been a whirlwind of work and travel and Dad's surgeries and tough recovery for him.

Dad is going to have a few more surgeries to repair some of the damage done to his eye during his maxillectomy. They had to remove the bone underneath his lower eyelid, which means his eyelid isn't attached to anything. Gravity is pretty intense, and it's making it impossible for him to close his eye completely. The doctors hope to be able to do some skin grafts or something to lift up the eyelid and keep him comfortable. In the mean time it's been lots of eye drops and eye patches.
